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2024-1학기 연구윤리교육 수강 및 수료증 제출 안내 / Guidelines for Submission of Research Ethics Education Completion Certificates
작성자 관리자 작성일 2024-03-12 조회수 188



2024-1학기 연구윤리교육 수강 및 수료증 제출 안내




울산대학교 대학원학위청구논문에관한내규 제2(학위논문제출자격)에 의거하여 학위논문심사를 받기 위해서는 연구윤리교육 이수횟수를 충족하여야 합니다. 이에, 아래와 같이 연구윤리교육 수강에 대하여 안내하오니 수강 후 수료증을 제출기간 내에 소속 학과 사무실로 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.


1. 교육대상

- 2024학년도 전기 신입생

- 2014학년도 이후 입학자 (재학생, 수료생) 중 연구윤리교육 미 이수자

2. 제출기간 및 제출처 : 2024. 4. 8() ~ 4. 12() / 소속 학과사무실


수료증 오른쪽 하단에 학과, 학번, 성명을 기재한 후 제출바람.

4. 연구윤리교육 이수충족 횟수 (졸업요건)

- 석사 및 박사 과정자 : 연구윤리교육을 1회 이상 이수하여야 함.

- ·박사통합 과정자 : 연구윤리교육을 2회 이상 이수하여야 함.

미 이수시 학위청구논문 심사 신청이 불가하며, 이수충족 횟수를 미충족시 졸업이 불가함.

5. 연구윤리교육 수강 방법

. 내국인

1) 온라인교육사이트(*‘크롬사용을 권장): 과학기술인 알파캠퍼스

(https://alpha-campus.kr/) 회원가입 수강 수료증발급

2) 교육 신청 방법: 홈페이지 상단에 [탐색]클릭 검색창에 대학원생 검색 교육 과정명 : 대학원생을 위한 연구윤리 (이수계열)


인문사회계열 학과, 예체능계열 학과 [인문계]

자연과학계열 학과, 공학계열 학과, 의학계열 학과 [이공계]

울산대학교 UCLASS > [4단계 BK21] 연구윤리교육 이수증도 인정함.

(*관련학과: 물리학과, 화학과, 생명과학과, 기계공학과, 전기전자컴퓨터공학과,화학공학과)

. 외국인

1) CITI program(https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/) 회원가입

수강 이수증 발급 학과사무실 제출

2) 교육 과정명: Responsible conduct of Research(Research Ethics)

3) 연구윤리교육이수학습자 가이드라인(CITI program 영문): 첨부파일 참고

수강(교육)관련 문의 : 연구지원팀 (052-259-1893)

6. 나의 연구윤리교육 이수내역 확인방법: UWINS(학생포털) 학적변동 개인정보 → 학적기본조회(졸업요건 탭) 졸업요건탭 (연구윤리교육횟수 확인)


2024. 3. 11


대 학 원 장




Guidelines for Submission of Research Ethics Education Completion Certificates for the 2024-1 Semester



(English ver.)

In accordance with Article 2 (Qualification for Submitting a Thesis) of the Regulations on Graduate Degree Thesis at the University of Ulsan, to undergo a thesis examination, you must fulfill the requirements for research ethics education. 

Therefore, we would like to provide the following guidance regarding research ethics education, and we kindly ask you to complete the course and submit your completion certificate to your department office within the specified period.

1. Target :

- New students entering in the second half of the 2023 academic year

- Students who entered the university after the 2014 academic year (current students and graduates) and have not completed research ethics education.

2. Submission Period and Location : April 8th (Monday) - April 12th (Friday), 2024 / Department Office

3. Required Document: Certificate of Completion *Check the attachment below

※ Please include your department, student ID, and name on the bottom right corner of the certificate.

4. Research Ethics Education Completion Requirements (Graduation Requirements) :

-Master's and Ph.D. Program Students: Must complete research ethics education at least once.

-Integrated Master's and Ph.D. Program Students: Must complete research ethics education at least twice.

※ Failure to complete the required courses will result in the inability to apply for thesis examination, and non-compliance with the completion requirements will prohibit graduation.

5. How to Complete Research Ethics Education :

A. For Domestic Students :

Online Education Site (Recommended to use 'Chrome'): Alpha Campus for Science and Technology Professionals

(https://alpha-campus.kr/) → Register → Take the course → Obtain the completion certificate

How to Apply for Education: Click on [Navigation] at the top of the homepage → Search for 'Graduate Students' → Course Name: Research Ethics for Graduate Students (By Discipline)

※ By Discipline

- Humanities and Social Sciences Departments, Arts and Physical Education Departments → [Humanities] - Natural Sciences Departments, Engineering Departments, Medical Science Departments → [Natural Sciences]

※ Ulsan University UCLASS > [BK21 Phase 4] Research Ethics Education Certificates are also recognized.

B. For Foreign Students :

1) CITI Program (https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/) registration → Take the course → Obtain the completion certificate → Submit it to the department office.

2) Course Name: Responsible Conduct of Research (Research Ethics)

3) Guidelines for Completing Research Ethics Education (CITI Program in English): Refer to the attached file.

※ For inquiries related to course registration (education), please contact the Research Support Team at 052-259-1893.

How to Confirm Your Research Ethics Education Completion:

6. UWINS (Student Portal) → 학적(Academic Information) → 개인정보(Personal Info) → 학적기본조회(Academic Information Inquiry (Graduation Requirements Tab)) → 졸업요건(Graduation Requirements Tab (Check the number of research ethics education completions)).