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2023-2학기 학위청구논문 심사료 납부안내 / 2023-2 Semester Thesis Defense Fee payment Information
작성자 김** 작성일 2023-10-31 조회수 113

2023-2학기 학위청구논문 심사료 납부안내


1. 대상 : 2023-2학기 학위논문심사 신청서를 제출한 자


2. 납부기간: 2023. 11. 2() ~ 11. 3() 09:00~16:00

※ 추가 납부기간 없으므로 반드시 기일 및 시간을 엄수 바랍니다.

※ 기간내 심사료 미납부시 논문심사 신청이 취소될 수 있으니 유의바랍니다.


3. 납부방법 (두가지 방법 중 선택)

. [논문심사료고지서출력 후 교내 경남은행에서 직접 납부

(은행 근무시간(09:00~16:00)내에 납부 가능함)

. [논문심사료고지서]에 기재된 가상계좌로 입금

(11월 3() 16:00까지 입금가능)


4. 논문심사료 고지서 출력방법

UWINS(학생포털→ 성적·졸업 → 졸업자격시험 → 논문심사료고지서출력

5. 납부금액

석사 과정자 : 150,000

박사 및 통합과정자 : 600,000

6. 문의처 일반대학원 행정실 (052-259-2083)



2023. 10. 30


대 학 원 장


2023-2 Semester Thesis Defense Fee payment Information

1. Target : Those who have submitted the 2023-2 semester thesis defense application.

2. Payment Period: November 2, 2023(Thursday) ~ Nobemver 3, 2023(friday) 09:00 ~ 16:00

There is no additional payment period, so please strictly adhere to the deadline and time.

Please be aware that if the defense fee is not paid within the specified period, the thesis defense application may be canceled.

Payment Methods (choose one of the following):

a. Print the [Thesis defense Fee Invoice] and pay directly at the in-house Kookmin(국민) Bank.

(Payment can be made within bank working hours, 09:00~16:00)

b. Deposit to the virtual account provided on the [Thesis defense Fee Invoice].

(Available for payment until 16:00 on November 3, 2023)

How to Print the Thesis defense Fee Invoice:

UWINS (Student Portal) → Grades & Graduation → Graduation Qualification Examination(졸업자격시험) → Print Thesis defense Fee Invoice(논문심사료고지서출력)

Payment Amount:

Master's program participants: 150,000 KRW

Doctoral and integrated program participants: 600,000 KRW

Contact Information: General Graduate School Administration Office (Phone: 052-259-2083)

October 30, 2023

Dean of the Graduate School