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대학원 공지사항

대학원 학위청구논문심사 신청(초고제출) 및 심사일정 안내 / Graduate Degree Thesis Defense Application (Thesis Draft) and Schedule Announcement
작성자 김** 작성일 2023-10-05 조회수 238



(20242월 졸업예정자

대학원 학위청구논문심사 신청(초고제출) 및 심사일정 안내



문의처 : 일반대학원 교학행정실(052-259-2083)


대학원 학위청구논문에 관한 내규에 의거하여, 2023학년도 전기(20242월 졸업) 대학원 학위청구논문심사 초고신청 및 심사일정을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 2023학년도 전기(20242월 졸업)에 학위취득 계획이 있는 학생들은 기한내 신청하시기 바랍니다.


논문심사 신청 (초고제출)

1. 자격: 학위 과정에 따라 아래 요건을 모두 갖춘자

. 2023학년도 2학기 논문연구계획서 제출자

. 수료조건 충족 예정자 또는 충족자


수업연한 충족(·석사연계과정 1.5, 석사 및 박사과정 2, 통합과정 4)

누계평점평균 3.00 이상 취득

해당 학과 및 과정에 합당한 수료학점 이수

. 학위논문제출자격시험(외국어, 전공종합) 합격자

. 연구윤리교육 이수 요건 충족자(석사1, 박사1, 통합2) 2014학년도 입 학자(신입학, 재입학)부터 적용한다.

. 외국인 장학별 논문심사요건 충족자 해당자에 한함

. 해당 학과내규 충족자


2. 신청 및 제출기간: 2023. 10. 23() 10. 27()

3. 신청방법














논문제목(국문,영문) 및 내부심사위원 입력

(심사위원 입력시 교수명을 입력한 후 해당되는 교수를 선택한 후 저장하고 다음단계로 이동)

학위청구논문제출 승인서 출력









지도교수 승인(서명)

학과사무실 제출

의학과 및 의과학과 학생 경우 논문초고를 직접 심사위원들에게 제출 바람.

외부 심사위원 추천서외부 심사위원 인적사항서식은 다운로드 후 작성

(해당자에 한함)

4. 제출서류 (학과사무실에 제출)

. 논문초고: 석사학위과정 3, 박사학위과정 5(심사위원수에 따름)

. 학위 청구논문제출 승인서 1.

. 논문유사도검사 결과표 또는 검사결과확인서 1. 시행 학과에 한함.

         라. 외부 심사위원 추천서 1. 해당자에 한함

       마. 외부 심사위원 인적사항 1. 해당자에 한함


논문 심사료 납부

1. 고지서 출력 및 납부기간: 2023. 11. 2() ~ 11. 3() 09:00~16:00

추가 납부기간이 없으므로 반드시 기간내 납부하여야 함. (심사료 미납부시 논문심사 대상에서 제외됨.

2. 납부방법: [논문심사료고지서] 출력 후 구내은행 직접 납부 또는 가상계좌 송금

고지서 출력 : UWINS(학생포털) 성적·졸업 졸업자격시험 논문심사료 고지서 출력

3. 심사료 : 석사 150,000, 박사 600,000



논문 공개발표 및 심사결과 판정

- 논문발표 및 심사기간 : 2023. 11. 6() ~ 12. 15()

공개발표(심사) 일정은 학과에서 자율적으로 실시하므로 학과의 안내를 받으시기 바랍니다.



논문 온라인 등록 및 인쇄본 제출

- 온라인 등록: 2024. 1. 12()예정

- 인쇄본 제출: 2024. 1. 19()예정

확정일은 추후 공지할 예정임.





2024 February Graduation Candidates

Graduate Degree Thesis Defense Application

(Thesis Draft) and Schedule Announcement




Below, we are providing information about the initial application and evaluation schedule for graduate degree thesis Defense. We kindly request students who plan to obtain their degrees in the 2023 academic year (February 2024 graduation) to submit their applications within the designated timeframe.


Thesis Defense Application (Thesis Draft)

1. Qualifications: Those who meet the following criteria according to their degree program:

a. Those who submitted a research plan for the 2023 academic year, 2nd semester.

b. Those who are expected to meet or have met the graduation requirements.

Graduation requirements include:

Meeting the prescribed duration of study (1.5 years for integrated bachelor's and master's programs, 2 years for master's and doctoral programs, 4 years for integrated programs).

Achieving a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.

Completing the required credit hours for the respective department and program.

c. Those who have passed the Graduate Degree Thesis Qualification Examination (Foreign Language, Major Comprehensive).

d. Those who have fulfilled the Research Ethics Education requirements (once for master's, once for doctoral, twice for integrated programs) This applies to students who entered in or after the 2014 academic year (new admissions, re-admissions).

e. Those who meet the thesis examination requirements for foreign scholarship recipients Applicable to eligible candidates.

f. Those who meet the department-specific regulations.


2. Application and Submission Period: October 23 (Monday) - October 27 (Friday)

3. Application Method














Enter the thesis title (in Korean and English) and input the internal evaluation committee members.

(When inputting committee members, enter the professor's name, select the relevant professor, save, and proceed to the next step.)

Print the Approval Letter for Thesis Submission.









Obtain the approval and signature of your advisor.

Submit the documents to the department office.

For students in the School of Medicine and the Department of Medical Sciences, please submit the "Draft Thesis" directly to the evaluation committee members.

Download and complete the "External Evaluation Committee Recommendation Letter" and "External Evaluation Committee Member Information" forms (applicable to eligible candidates).


4. Required Documents (Submit to the department office):

a. Draft Thesis: 3 copies for master's degree candidates, 5 copies for doctoral degree candidates (number of committee members may vary).

b. 1 copy of the Approval Letter for Thesis Submission.

c. 1 copy of the Plagiarism Similarity Check Results or Verification Certificate Applicable to the respective departments.

            d. 1 copy of the External Reviewer Committee Recommendation Letter Applicable to eligible candidates. *Attachment Name [붙임 3...]"

        e. 1 copy of the External Reviewer Committee Member Information Applicable to eligible candidates. *Attachment Name [붙임 4...]"


Thesis Defense Fee Payment

1. Print the invoice and payment period: November 2 (Thursday) - November 3 (Friday) from 09:00 to 16:00.

There is no additional payment period, so please make sure to pay within the specified timeframe. (Failure to pay the evaluation fee will result in exclusion from thesis evaluation.)

2. Payment methods: Print the [Thesis Evaluation Fee Invoice] and make the payment directly at the on-campus bank or via virtual account transfer.

Invoice printing : UWINS(학생포털) 성적·졸업 졸업자격시험 Print Thesis Evaluation Fee Invoice

3. Evaluation fees: : Master's degree - 150,000 KRW, Doctoral degree - 600,000 KRW.



Thesis Public Presentation and Evaluation Results

- Thesis Presentation and Evaluation Period: November 6 (Monday) - December 15 (Friday)

The schedule for public presentation (evaluation) will be determined independently by the department, so please follow the department's guidance.



Thesis Online Registration and Print Submission

        - Online Registration: Scheduled for January 12, 2024 (Friday)

- Print Submission: Scheduled for January 19, 2024 (Friday)

The exact dates will be announced later.

List of Attached Files

Attachment 3) Recommendation Form for External Thesis Evaluators (Template) Attachment 4) Personal Information and Consent Form for External Thesis Evaluators (Including Personal Data Collection and Use Agreement) Attachment 5) 5) Guidelines for Thesis Writing (Korean and English) Attachment 6) Regulations Regarding Graduate School Thesis Submission"


붙임3) 외부 심사위원 추천서(서식) 붙임4) 외부 심사위원 인적사항(개인정보수집이용제공동의서 포함) 붙임5) 학위논문 작성방법(국문, 영문) 붙임6)대학원학위청구논문에관한내규"