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2023학년도 1학기 논문연구계획서 제출 안내(Guide to submitting thesis research plans for the first semester of 2023)
작성자 김** 작성일 2023-02-09 조회수 424



2023학년도 1학기 논문연구계획서 제출 안내




1. 대 상2023학년도 1학기 학위청구논문을 심사받고자 하는 학생(수료생포함)
2. 제출기간: 2023. 2. 20() ~ 3. 17()

3. 신청방법: UWINS(학생포털접속  성적·졸업 → 졸업자격시험 → 논문연구

계획서 작성  계획서 출력 → 지도교수 확인 및 날인

4. 제 출 처소속 학과사무실

                            5. 참고사항

                            가논문연구계획서 미제출시 해당 학기 학위청구논문 심사신청 불가함.

         나수료생은 연구등록을 완료하여야 논문계획서 제출이 가능함.

    다논문연구계획서 작성 내용논문제목연구방법개요(연구필요성연구목표연구내용 및 범위연구방법 및 추진전략)

 ※ 수료생의 연구등록: 2023. 2. 21() ~ 2. 24() / 2023. 3. 14() ~ 3. 15()

    - 수료생이 학위청구논문을 제출하고자 할 때는 연구등록을 하여야 함.

    - 연구등록은 1회 한하고 학위청구학기까지 유효함.

    - 연구등록비는 정규등록금의 5분의 1이며 환불은 허용하지 아니함.

    - 연구등록 방법 및 기간은 정규등록 기간과 동일함.


2023. 2. 7


대 학 원 장





Guide to submitting thesis research plans for the first semester of 2023



1. Subject: Students who want to be reviewed for their thesis on degree claims for the first semester of 2023 (including graduates)

2. Submission period: February 20, 2023 (Mon) to March 17 (Fri)

3. How to apply: Access to UWINS (student portal) → grades and graduation → Graduation qualification test → Writing a thesis research plan → Printing a plan → Checking and sign an advisor

  4. Source: Office of the department you belong to.

  5. Notes

    A. If the thesis research plan is not submitted, it is not possible to apply for review of the thesis requested for the relevant semester.

    B. Completed students can submit a thesis plan only after completing research registration.


    C. Contents of the thesis research plan: thesis title, research method outline (research necessity, research goal, Research contents and scope, research methods and implementation strategies)

   ※ Research registration of graduates: 2023.2.21 (Tue) to 2.24 (Thu) / 2023.3.14 (Tue) to 3.15 (Wed)

      - When a completed student intends to submit a thesis requesting a degree, he/she must register for research. 

      - Research registration is limited to one time and valid until the academic year.

      - The research registration fee is one-fifth of the regular tuition fee, and refunds are not allowed. 

      - The research registration method and period are the same as the regular registration period.